How Strong ur Antivirus.... just test with script from notepad :

this test provide by EICAR (European Institute for Computer Anti-virus Research).
this Script for testing how strong our antivirus.
follow the steep :
1 open notepad
2. “Copy this Script ini : "
3. paste to notepad, and save As (change type to ALL). give any name with extention .com atau .exe (example : tes or tes eicar.exe).

if done, should ur AV detect ?

file that have been created, not a VIRUS... it just way to test (dummy file).

as result, may be differences :
- ur AV will block on save (write) even it on TXT file (advance AV). it causes, ur AV block when save it.
- GOOD Antivirus Good, it will warning u, there is incoming virus attact and it quarantine the file.
- AVERAGE Antivirus... i will reject when execute this file.
- BAD Antivirus will display permision to the file when u execute. as result : text ’EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE’ will display on screen.

Good luck.....


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